DC-3: Legends of Flight for FSX

As one of the most prominent names in the flight simulation market, Just Flight have been responsible for some of the most amazing releases out there. They’ve brought to life old classic aircraft, remade huge scenery packages and also brought to life famous events and time periods within aviation that simply deserve a rich re-telling in simulation format. Read more...
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- Microsoft Flight Simulator X
- File size
- 298 MB
- Developer
- Just Flight
Their latest release characterizes the Douglas DC-3, and gives it the rich kind of memory and style that it so evidently deserves. As one of the most important aircraft in aviation history, it has made a huge impact on aircraft that are made even today and – at the time – was a truly life-changing experience for both pilots and passengers.
If you want to take into the skies with one of these brilliant beauties, then you should consider picking up this pack – it gives you access to the DC-3 in a way you’ll have never seen before. With reference information and various data coming from trustworthy and legitimate sources, you’ll never have witnessed the DC-3 perform to such levels of realism or look just as it should.
About The DC-3
First released in late 1935, the Douglas DC-3 was a fixed-wing aircraft that used propellers as its source of drive. Capable of hitting 203mph at the time it totally changed the way that people were able to get around the world. from slow and small aircraft that could only take limited numbers of passengers, and at extremely slow paces, the Douglas DC-3 established itself in the pantheon of aircraft on arrival.
Even today, if you look at many of the most popular aircraft brands, they all took inspiration from the incredibly change that the DC-3 brought to the table. In the end, more than 16,000 of the Douglas DC-3 were created and, believe it or not, they are still used today! Many small service carriers still use these reliable old warhorses for their immense versatility and still more than acceptable standard of speed and protection.
However, the Douglas DC-3 has more than enough history to talk about it forever! It was an aircraft that made a huge landmark on both the civil and military worlds. It was a key player in the Second World War, whilst also serving as one of the main forms of US transport in the mid-1930s. it quickly replaced trains as a means of fast travel across the continent, and totally modernized the way that people were able to get from one part of the States to the next without too much effort.
It quickly started being used in the Royal Dutch Airlines services, and used to travel from Amsterdam to Sydney. At the time it was the longest flight in the world by far. The plane continued to set records and change the entire aviation landscape, as it started to be used across man different airlines and really helped to establish the idea that commercial aircraft travel was going to become mainstream.
During the Second World War, more than 10,000 DC-3s were produced to be used as troop transports. It was used to transport cargo regularly, too, making sure that the troops down on the ground were never short of support or supplies when they needed them most. Today, they are still used across the world in some areas and can be seen at airshows on a regular basis too. While many modern variants are out there, they never quite made the same impact on aviation as what the original DC-3 had been able to achieve.
What You Get
When you download this package, you’ll get access to one of the most realistic representations of this fantastic aircraft ever seen in a virtual format. It gives you seven variations of this famous aircraft that were used in different airlines, making sure that you can fly your own favorite brand and style. Additionally, two USAAF C-47 transports and an RAF Dakota have been included in the package to give you the most versatile and historically representative collection of Douglas aircraft that you are likely to find anywhere.
You also get to use the famous AC-47 Gunship that also served time in the Vietnam War, and a Waco CG-4A Glider. All of these aircraft have been remade to fit the style and quality of the real-life variation. Many hours of research and confirmation have gone into each to ensure that they act and play just as their real-life counterparts would have. If you want to get realism, there is no better way to do it than with this excellent DC-3 package!
If realism is what you are looking for, you will find it here. Nothing has been left to change so that you get the most authentic looking aircraft selections that you possibly can.
The liveries that you gain access to include;
- Capital Airlines livery
- American Airlines “Knoxville” Branch livery
- British European Airways (BEA) livery
- Delta Airlines livery
- Lufthansa Airlines livery
- United Airlines (USA) livery
- Cambrian Airways livery
The additional aircraft that you receive access to include;
- C-47 Transport – Argonia 94th TCS - A lead ship of the first wave of transports in June 1944, it comes with a wave of paratroops on board
- C-47 Transport – Argonia D8 – A United States Army payload with a Willis jeep and troops onboard
- RAF Dakota – Flown by Flight Lieutenant D.S.A Lord VC and comes with a cargo load onboard
- AC-47 Gunship – Comes in a silver and white color scheme and comes equipped with accurate miniguns that are fitted to the fuselage, as well as gun-sight adaption on the pilots side and gun operation panels plus a gunner
- Waco CG-4A Glider – Normandy 527848 which is completely flyable
Each transport listed above comes with parachute operations fully modeled and prepared for action, as well as a Radio & Navigation station on-board. The virtual cockpit gives you access to each of these, and the infantry on-board will usually be accompanied by a traditional US Army Willis jeep.
Key Features
Complete detail has been taken on each aspect of the design of the radial engines used within each aircraft. Additionally, detailed ignition systems have been included to give you that full dose of realism and this includes other features such as pushrods which have been faithfully included
A whole new host of animations have been made from scratch for each aircraft, ensuring that they have the right level of detail included to make them fully unique from each other. Everything from the access panels to the flap operations all come alive when the aircraft takes into the skies
Hugely authentic sound packs have been created for each aircraft. This allows each model to fully sound as authentic as it should so that you can get the most realistic and detailed flight experience that you possibly can, regardless of what you are looking for or what you might expect
Each metal and fabric has been totally modified and updated to make them look as realistic as possible – fabrics and riveted surfaces have been upgraded to be totally representative of the actual aircraft. No half measures have been accepted, making the aircraft look totally as they should
Tiny details have been looked at and improved upon, making sur that everything from the undercarriage details to the “block” treads on the tyres have been updated and improved upon over time. Additionally, even smaller features and inclusions like the mini-guns on the gunships and even the small and “insignificant” parts have been added
Wholly unique flight dynamics that make the aircraft feel completely realistic – they each fly as they would have were you able to jump into one in real life. Each specification and attribute of the plane has been checked and verified to make sure it flies just like the real thing
A fully detailed manual is included to make sure that you can easily take off and get the most out of each and every one of the aircraft. There are fully translated German editions of the manual included which can you can download from the Just Flight website if you need them
A layered paint kit that allows you to make your own paint jobs and styles for both the DC-3 and the C-47 models that are available within the package. Making them look just as you would if you were in charge back in the 1930s!
Several new special effects have been made from scratch to really tick that realism box and make the aircraft that you command look as delightful as possible. The smallest additions and changes such as engine start-up smoke to the flames burning from the exhaust as you take off for the first time have all been added to really make the experience as enjoyable as it possibly can be for you
Checklists and references provided to let you see just where the information and ideas all come from to make this package as detailed and as unique as it is!
Virtual cockpits only – no 2D limitations, giving you complete cockpit control!

About Just Flight
Based in the United Kingdom, Just Flight, owned by Mastertronic Group has been in the simulation business since the early days of FS2000. Developing in-house creations and publishing flight sim add-ons from third-party developers for various platforms including MSFS, X-Plane, and Prepar3D.
Their latest focus has been on the next-gen platforms including P3Dv5 and Microsoft's latest flight simulator, MSFS (2020) release.
Trusted by thousands of flight simmers worldwide, Just Flight is a household name in flight simulation.
Customer Reviews
Rated 5.0/5.0 based on 3 customer reviews
- 12/21/2018
5/5 Verified Purchase
As I said, now that I have downloaded the purchased and tested aircraft in my FSX, I can confirm its excellent flight style, friendly cabin, several animations, different military and commercial textures, extraordinary views from the plane in flight, Glider tested from its takeoff and release in flight from the tugboat, all spectacular. The only thing I can not know or try is the movement of the Willys Jeep going up or down the C-47. Is there any specific command for this animation? in the Manual appear the commands to see the animations? Regards,
- 12/18/2018
5/5 Verified Purchase
Some of the best and most famous airplanes of all time. The Skytrain or Dakota, DC-3 or C-47 was a large plane of multiple uses in the world, especially in the transport of troops and war equipment during WWII. Really an aerial wonder. In the simulator, it flies like a bolt, elegant, sober, safe and very maneuverable in flight. Really one of the best virtual planes in my simulators.
- 02/16/2017
5/5 Verified Purchase
DC3 very good detailled airframe excellent engoines sound good to fly
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