Panavia Tornado for FS2004

Following their trend of releasing stunning models of well established fighter aircraft, the AFS-Design team have released another brilliant add-on, this time representing the Panavia Tornado. Available as an immediate download for Flight Simulator 2004, this spectacular twin-engined combat aircraft can be in your hangar in no time flat. Read more...
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
- File size
- 15.7 MB
- Developer
- AFS-Design
Two variants of the Tornado are included, the IDS (interdictor/strike) fighter-bomber and the Tornado ADV, which is an interceptor variant developed specifically for the RAF and designated the F3. The livery that you choose will determine which variant you will be flying. There are quite a few to choose from, including German Air Force and British RAF liveries, so there will be something to suit your tastes that also happens to support the variant you wish to fly, with the exception of the F3 which is only available in RAF colors.
The detailed internal and external model make good use of the extensive lighting effects, especially in making night flying all the more enjoyable. Intelligent texture work has allowed for realistic surface reflections and shines that roll over the body of the Tornado as you bank in the air.
The visuals are also fleshed out with numerous animated sections such as the canopy and the landing gear that uses a spring system. Most notable is perhaps the engine animation, which includes special sequences for thrust reversing and afterburners. This in particular brings a lot to the table and helps the Tornado's visuals match up with its impressive speed of mach 2.2 and the realistic flight dynamics in general.
Complete with twelve missions that take place across different airfields, it will be a while before you need to start making your own. Modifications have also been made to the military side of Rostock Airport, adding to the intrigue of the included missions.
A fully functioning virtual cockpit houses an operational autopilot and avionics for radio navigation. Both seats in the tandem cockpit can be used; in the front seat your role is that of Pilot and in the rear seat you take on the role of Weapons Systems Officer. Having the option to take on a different role allows to re-run missions from another perspective, giving you even more to experience.
Manufacturers Description
The Panavia Tornado is a family of twin-engine combat aircraft, which was jointly developed by the West Germany, United Kingdom and Italy. There are three primary versions of the Tornado; the Tornado IDS (Interdictor/Strike) fighter-bomber, the suppression of enemy air defences Tornado ECR (Electronic Combat/Reconnaissance) and the Tornado F.3 (only United Kingdom) a air fefence variant. It is one of the world's most sophisticated and capable interdiction and attack aircraft, with a long range, large payload and high survivability.
Developed and built by Panavia, a tri-national consortium consisting of MBB of West Germany, British Aerospace, and Alenia Aeronautica of Italy. The Tornado first flew on August 14, 1974, and saw action with the RAF and AMI (Italian Air Force) in the Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm). International co-operation continued after its entry into service within the Tri-National Tornado Training Establishment, a tri-nation training and evaluation unit operating from RAF Cottesmore, England. Including all variants, 992 aircraft were built for the three partner nations and Saudi Arabia (first export customer).
Technical data of the PANAVIA TORNADO IDS (Gr.4)
- length: 16,72 m
- span: 8,60 m (65° swept) 13,91 m (25° swept)
- height: 5,95 m
- wingarea: 26,60 m²
- empty weight: 14.092 kg
- start weight: 20.411 kg
- max. weight: 27.216 kg
- internal fuel: 4.660 kg
- speed limit: 2.337 km/h ( mach 2,2 on 10.975 m )
- 1.480 km/h ( mach 1,2 on sea level )
- climbing rate: 165 m/s
- maximum limit height: 15.240 m
- missionradiuses: 1.390 km
- transfer: 3.890 km
- power: 38,48 kN ( without afterburner )
- (per engine) 82,77 kN ( with afterburner )
- engine: two Turbo-Union RB199-34R Mk-103
Technical data of the PANAVIA TORNADO F.3 (Royal Airforce ( RAF ) )
- length: 18,68 m
- span: 8,58 m ( 68° swept )
- 13,91 m ( 25° swept )
- height: 5,95 m
- wingarea: 26,60 m²
- empty weight: 14.501 kg
- start weight: 21.773 kg
- max. weight: 27.987 kg
- internal fuel: 5.670 kg
- speed limit: 2.414 km/h ( mach 2,2 on 10.975 m )
- 1.480 km/h ( mach 1,2 on sea level )
- climbing rate: 165 m/s
- maximum limit height: 15.240 m
- missionradiuses: 1.390 km
- transfer: 4.265 km
- power: 38,48 kN ( without afterburner )
- (per engine) 82,77 kN ( with afterburner )
- engine: two Turbo-Union RB199-34R Mk-103
The AFS-design PANAVIA TORNADO product features the following:
- Detailed outside and interior model inclusive animated virtual cockpit
- Highly soluble textures with surfaces reflecting
- Extensive light effects (e.g. Navigation and landing lights)
- Numerous animations (e.g. canoby, move in gear with spring system)
- Animation of all tax flaps (e.g. swing wings, airbrakes and spoilers)
- Realistic flight dynamics (inclusive different trim steps for optimal trim)
- Formation flight model with three PANAVIA TORNADO
- Fuel system for the air refueling
- Complete functioning autopilot
- Avionics for radio navigation
- Engine animation inclusive thrust reversing and afterburner
- Completely functioning virtual cockpit from view of the pilot and
- Completely functioning virtual cockpit from view of the weapon system officer
- 12 different missions of different airfields
- modified Scenery military airfield Rostock - Laage
The AFS-design PANAVIA TORNADO product liveries the following:
- German airforce Bundeswehr Luftwaffe ECR ( incl. Tigermeet )
- German airforce Bundeswehr Luftwaffe IDS ( incl. specialpaint of the WTD )
- German airforce Bundeswehr Marine IDS ( incl. Tigermeet )
- British RAF GR.4 ( incl. "Operation Desert Storm" liveries )
- British RAF F.3 ( with with longer radome )
- Italian and Saudi Arab Air Force (in both case with the IDS version)
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