Baltimore/Washington DC Photoreal Scenery Ultra-Res Cities for FSX/P3D

Baltimore/Washington DC Photoreal Scenery Ultra-Res Cities for FSX/P3D

As one of the most important parts of the whole US, Washington DC – and Baltimore by extension – has played a key role in the growth of the government and the overall strength of the US massively. Whilst Washington is where the White House is situated, nearby states are captured with the same clarity and attention to detail that is required to make the most convincing image and atmosphere possible for any city. In this package, though, you get access to massive 13,000 square miles of revamped and managed scenery. This adds a completely new feel to both Baltimore and the DC area entirely. Read more...

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Immediate Download
Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Prepar3D
File size
30.3 GB
PC Aviator
Buy now forAll taxes included$19.28
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However, this package also consists of parts of the states of Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia – everything included has been added in here to fit in perfectly with the consistency that is afford to the regions of Baltimore and DC that are included. If you wish to use this in line with other packages, then it works brilliant with the state packages that were listed above. Together, they make up a massive part of the US and can give you a full appreciation for what changing the texture quality and consistency can do for your simulator.

Using high-end photorealistic scenery that is using 50cm/pixel designs, you will get to easily enjoy the pleasures of this entire terminal control area. By capturing more than 30GB of photorealistic scenery, this replicates the massive change that has taken place across these five regions perfectly. The entire area itself has been managed to fit in with perfection to the land that is included, ensuring that all of these locations come together perfectly. Not sure where you are flying? Then everything is pointed out to you by providing charts for each state that you may be flying to, adding even more assistance and realism.

The metro area for Baltimore and Washington DC is, easily, one of the most important parts of the US history. It’s situated in such a vital location in terms of what goes on around it as well as the location in relation to the rest of the US. This makes it very easy to fly into and therefore you will be able to enjoy a pleasant and simple flight across Washington DC and Baltimore in any kind of aircraft that you like. It captures key features across the area including key pieces of land that will stand out, not to mention Baltimore and Washington DC themselves.

With landmarks and everything from the smaller road and regions of each city captured perfectly, you will be able to spot everything from the White House to the numerous districts of Baltimore that housed some of the most creative writers and musicians of our times. A hugely creative city with a real footnote in American history for being the birthplace of stars such as Edgar Allan Poe, Billie Holiday and Babe Ruth; it’s even where the national anthem was first written!

Baltimore and DC, together, make one hell of a travel trip for even the most seasoned of pilots. Now captured in the most authentic and faithful style ever, this can make a truly amazing trip for those who found the original inclusions within FSX a little bit too barren. 

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