Cessna 172 Trainer Accu-Sim for FSX/P3D

For any flight simulation user, the most important thing that you can get is accuracy. With accuracy, you find yourself getting the closest possible simulation experience that realistically covers all of the things that you would be expecting to deal with were you a pilot in real life. For that reason, ensuring that you have the best possible tools at your disposal is very important - and this excellent remake of the famous Cessna 172 Trainer aircraft is the perfect way to do just that! Read more...
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X including Steam Edition and Prepar3D v2, v3, v4, v5
- File size
- 240 MB for FSX / 265 MB for Prepar3D
- Developer
- A2A Simulations
Created by the highly reputable A2A Simulations, this epic remake of one of the most popular civil aircraft in aviation history gives you access to features, unlike anything that you will have used before in aircraft simulation. It takes on the mantle of delivering an experience just like the one you would find in reality, by using the popular A2A add-on known as Acc-Sim. This delegate's full control of the aircraft to you, giving you total power of what you will be doing, where you will be going, and everything in-between that makes sure you have the most authentic flight that you possibly can.
The Plane Itself
The Cessna 172 Trainer is a hugely popular aircraft for a variety of reasons, on the basis that it's been going since the late 1950s and even today is still in usage - and production. At the time of its creation, it was an overnight success that was able to hit the heights of just about any aircraft of the era.
Capable of carrying up to three passengers, the aircraft stands at 8.2m in length giving it a fine balance between being large enough to carry whatever it was supposed to, but small enough to be used for many different purposes.
Its tricycle landing gear was a revelation, and in its first year alone more than 1,400 of these aircraft were created. This gave people the chance to use high-end avionics, and today the aircraft still stands up as a popular civic utility aircraft.
In fact, the aircraft set a world record in 1958 for flight endurance - and even today, with all of our modern changes and innovations, it still stands. The record is held by John cook and Robert Timm, who flew for just under sixty-five days on a round trip from McCarran Airfield, NV, and back. It's this kind of record that makes people still remember this popular aircraft so fondly!
As you can imagine, an aircraft that has seen so many years of service has been through an incredible variety of variants of which there are more than twenty, comfortably. The Cessna 172 has also been used as a military trainer by the US Air Force, and the US Military. Additionally, it' served air forces in many parts of the world including Chile, Ecuador, Austria, and many other locations further proving just how much of a reliable aircraft this has proven to be.
Accu-Sim Expansion
One of the most useful reasons for having this package installed on your machine, though, is because it comes with the incredible Accu-Sim expansion. Another part of the immense A2A Legacy that they have created, Accu-Sim brings a whole new level of integration and flight capability into proceedings and allows the aircraft created by A2A to really hit the mark and shine.
Although the current FSX software is very high-end, it can be pushed further with the time and development that A2A Simulations have put into creating their projects. This makes it easier than ever for people to get to grips with aircraft simulation, and guarantees that this with more flight experience will feel right at home with the immense power and control that is on offer to them.
Having been in production for many years, Accu-Sim has become the spawn of many hours spent planning the best way to totally open up the boundaries of what is possible within a flight simulator. By making everything that little bit more real and believable, the entire onus shifts when you install this package - it gives you access to a Cessna 172 that is up there with the best models on the market. However, it also delivers this high-end package that revolutionizes the things that you can do within a flight simulator.
It adds in another layer of realism by making the chances of things going wrong actually possible - simulations run as if you are an expert, who has the most in-condition aircraft on the planet. There are rarely problems unless you actively engineer them, and you never need to face the kinds of incredible dangers that can come from flying an aircraft.
Accu-Sim adds in chaos to what is usually a world filled with order and simplicity. For those who want to see the world of simulation beyond a simple gaming engine and want the chance for reality to kick in at any given time, totally changing the environment that they are dealing with, then very few choices out there even come close to the quality provided by the Accu-Sim expansion.
Key Features
Take full control of one of the world's premium aircraft trainers - it's still used today by many different industries and companies to incredible effect!
Designed to be used with both commercial training for pilots as well as those who just want to have a little bit more fun than usual with their flight simulation
Built "by the book", this aircraft simulation takes everything from the manual to make a truly faithful representation of this famous old aircraft
It comes with many smaller features included - with or without Accu-Sim enabled - that make the flight far more realistic than usual. Things like propeller simulation have been totally refined to make them feel far more realistic than on any vanilla FSX aircraft
Dynamic physics help to add a different method to landing whether it's soft grass or hard pavement that you are landing down on
Electric started comes with a cranking power that's been created with accuracy, using many sources to create the dynamics
Persistent aircraft where everything from the systems and temperatures of the aircraft is managed and optimized - even when your PC is shut off, your aircraft will be changing and developing
Totally immersive cockpit design that ensures you get all of the little touches and additions you need to make it feel just as good as the real thing. from the buttons that move and sway, reacting to your every decision, you also get the incredible physics-driven sound systems that improve the entire atmosphere of the flight in so many ways
Go through realistic standardized engine tests and compression checks before taking off, ensuring that you start to learn the importance of small things like procedure and following the right code before taking off at any given time, regardless of what you are trying to do you'll need to follow it by the letter
Unique piston combustion engine modeling that makes the aircraft feel more alive than ever. As the air is brought in, it combines with the fuel and then ignites creating the ability to actually move the aircraft in the first place. All of the real factors that need to take place for an aircraft to fly have been added in so that the entire process is carried out, giving even more chance to have to troubleshoot and make a fast decision when problems occur
Your gauges will literally look at what is happening inside the aircraft, and give you a realistic response - no more stock coding and templates to make it all "look" real. It's actually happening underneath your aircraft and you can watch the entire process unfold with unmatched quality and realism
Complete avionics compatibility included making sure that GPS, GNS, and various other avionics packages have been included to give you the full idea of what you are using. Everything from the KAP 140 Two-Axis Autopilot to full GNS 430 and 530 support have been included
3D Lighting system included to make the model look and feel more alive than ever - no more flat lighting that barely helps you on those darkest flights. Instead, you'll have the same visibility as you would from the real thing
Four animated passengers that can sit in any of the seats - including the pilots - to make the aircraft feel more alive than ever, completing the entire simulation experience
Authentic fuel delivery process ensures that the aircraft behaves properly - and reacts to the way it would with any situation in real-life
Exceptional design level and performance ensures that you can fly this aircraft on lower budget systems that are capable of dealing with the incredible intensity of new features that have been included
Every bit as powerful as any other Accu-Sim enabled A2A product, ensuring that you are able to fly the Cessna 172 with maximum control and assertion over every single feature and addition that has been included
Watch your aircraft react to the world around it from the weather conditions to the humidity in the sky creating an entirely new situation for you to manage in!
Customer Reviews
Rated 4.9/5.0 based on 10 customer reviews
- 07/23/2018
4/5 Verified Purchase
This is going to be an interesting review for me as it is the first one I've done on an airplane I've actually flown. I only have PIC time in a Cessna 172 N S models and older Piper Arrow II. I'm still working on my PPL, and I don't have a ton of experience real world flying. One of the reasons I bought the sim is I'm working on XC pilotage and dead reckoning, and I wanted a simulation model that would hopefully perform close to real-world POH numbers in order that my flight planning would closer match to my flight planning numbers. Plus the default FSX 172 left a little lacking in comparison to real-world feel, so why not try a pay for product and see what I get. I like to start with the good first.
The virtual cockpit is done very well. The startup and feel of the cockpit is much more authentic than the FSX version, even down to the radios and autopilot, the shaking, and required priming for a cold engine. Most of the autopilots in GA piston pounder sims like the default FSX radio stack are a little dumbed down than the actual thing, while the A2A simulates it very well. The POV is pretty good. Certainly, the textures are more detailed inside and out. The feel on the ground is more authentic feeling as well (this comes from someone who uses Accu Feel and an IR tracker), but it moves and accelerates fairly close to my experiences. Nothing could really simulate the feel of the actual rudder pedals as the real deal as they are actually much mushier in the real plane, but the reality also gives much more feedback through the pedals and toe brakes. Takeoff again is about the same situation as it requires not only visual cues but feedback from the pedal pressure, but it rotates as expected and it initially climbs as expected. In the air I think this sim handles also very well ( I personally think no matter how you tinker with sensitivity settings all sims are over sensitive especially since I don't get feedback) Feedback from controls is a big part of flying and you can never fully simulate flight without given controls that are cable driven with no hydraulics. This being said, I do like how this one feels as it responds to control inputs in the air. Approaches and landings are as expected and much more realistic feel than the stock FSX which really allows you to get away with some dumb stuff that you would never do in real life. The addition of the maintenance side of this sim doesn't appeal to me as much but for sure sim aspect of it, I think it's educational and adds to it.
Let me preface what I don't like with I think this is very high-quality sim of the 172 and I think it's been around awhile and probably is the best, but I haven't tried any others. I was hoping for a FOV that was like the real thing but that's probably hard to get right because it varies from person to person. In reality, I usually have really good FOV in front and the instruments are all up in my face as well. I can also see out the sides and see the wheel covers. In the sim, I can get good FOV front and side, or a good instrument view, but both at the same time is difficult. My biggest complaint is this sim claims to be a 160hp R model and climbs after takeoff at Vy speeds at nearly 1000fpm, which is a little above POH numbers for my location even for an SP model, and I use Active Sky. It also cruises faster than POH numbers. So clearly when using pilotage and dead reckoning I'm well ahead of my calculated times. But I can pull back the throttle to try and fix this, but that's not as realistic and don' t want to build that habit.
Overall it's a good sim, but for the money, I wanted a little more for the 5-star rating. This is a sim of probably the most well-known aircraft in today's aviation community. It's what people think of if you say, Cessna. If it were $10 cheaper or less as compared to most simulated models, I would probably give it 5 stars. But you will probably not find a better 172 sim. So you have to decide. It's like the PMDG sims, which I actually own the 737. Are they worth the current price tag.. mm maybe not but you can't find a better sim. So if you want the best it'll cost a little more.
- 04/18/2020
5/5 Verified Purchase
Glad I bought it. My PC is very low spec and cannot run some payware with usable framerates but this was fine. The interior is very clear and the instruments are easy to read. Initially I struggled with the trim but after web-searching found it needed to be mapped in the A2A aircraft config program, then it was fine. For those that want to, you can use the checklists to do a walkaround, test the relevant bits, enable failures, maintenance and repairs. The aircraft remembers it's status so if you bend it on a landing it'll still be bent next time you come to fly it. The avionics are good - to get the most out of it you might want to download and skim through the manual. For example, being able to progam in your radio frequencies in advance is useful and the autopilot is more complex than you might assume. Remember to use the fuel/payload manager within the aircraft - adding fuel in FSX does not do it. It's not as easy to fly as my other aircraft - turbulence will knock it off straight and level more easily and it doesn't settle back afterwards as readily - which I presume is more true to life.
- 03/05/2016
5/5 Verified Purchase
I do not fly in reality, so I cannot compare the A2A C172 Trainer to a real airplane. But for me, it's a real complex plane regarding environment and behaviour. Meaning: it's more a simulation than a game. Meaning: requesting concentration from cold&bare startup till landing Meaning too: not being bored after some hours of flying Meaning too: having fun flying longer distances (without autopilot) Meaning too: you will not sleep while flying. Meaning too: not cheap - but worth the money
Let me call it "Tamagotchi for flight simmers" ;-)
After some months of A2A C172, recently, I bought the A2A Piper Cherokee, expecting it making fun in a same fashion, we will see...
- 12/31/2014
A2A Simulations has done an Outstanding job with the 172 and 182. I bought the 172 a year ago, and have found it as realistic as the real McCoy. Being a real world pilot whom is grounded due to medical issues, I find a fantastic substitute for keeping up my skills as a pilot, now relegated to the sim-world . There is only one thing I do not like, that being that of all they have done they didn't put in a working cargo door, its static. But over all one of the Best GA aircraft I've bought.
- 01/18/2016
5/5 Verified Purchase
The A2A Cessna 172 has been my very first payware aircraft so you might want to read reviews from more experienced people for a better judgement. In any case I have to say that it's well worth the money. WIth this airplane I really feel like flying. Even a sim newbie like me can fully enjoy it and learn a lot thanks to its comprehensive manual.
I'm sure this Cessna won't be my last purchase from A2A.
- 06/09/2023
5/5 Verified Purchase
When I bought this product I could ever imagine the realistic simulation it provides, not even in flight mode, but you can also learn to mantain your aircraft in good shape and understand almost everything about its mechanics.
And the price, compared with other sources, is also the best.
- 04/09/2022
5/5 Verified Purchase
I have many hours in this aircraft. No issues at all with the install. Most switches and knobs do something, and the Accu-Sim really is a nice feature.... learn the mixture settings or prepare for spittin’ and poppin’! Textures and sounds are great.
- 12/22/2018
5/5 Verified Purchase
Purchase of the A2A C-172 was typical of the quality of A2A aircraft, very good. Also SimShack had an excellent promotion to provide a discount.
- 12/17/2014
Great product.....do you have or plan to have a G-1000 Avionics package?
- 05/31/2019
5/5 Verified Purchase
Very good plane with quality of A2A and the price of Simshack :)
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