New York Photoreal Scenery Ultra-Res Cities for FSX/P3D

New York Photoreal Scenery Ultra-Res Cities for FSX/P3D

As one of the biggest cities in the world, New York is a common destination for FSX and P3D users. Unfortunately, thus unique metropolis and its surrounding areas look nowhere near as outstanding as they should. Given the global prominence of New York, there is something special about being able to visit a location like this and finally see it recreated in the detail that it deserves. This package, crated to cover the New York Terminal Control Area, manages to install more than 7,000 square miles of incredible scenery that takes in parts of New Jersey and Connecticut, too. Read more...

Media Format
Immediate Download
Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Prepar3D
File size
14.9 GB
PC Aviator
Buy now forAll taxes included$15.41
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This won’t just stop at the border of New York and turn back “normal”; this carries out far beyond the city itself!

This package also gives you access to three of the most important airports within the city and its surrounding areas; the Kennedy International, LaGuardia International and Newark International. All of this comes together perfectly to balance out the look and style of the city as well as the airports to match its real-life counterpart as closely as possible. Using 50cm/pixel photorealistic scenery, this manages to make the whole city look as convincing as it possibly can, including every detail.

Given the busy nature of the NY airspace, the TAC being completely reinvented for this purpose ensures that you’ll be seeing authentic traffic as well as authentic scenery! Always a busy hotspot in real-life and in simulators, the world around you will now match the unerring accuracy of this package. However, if you would be interested in seeing the entire New York state recreated in this stunning level of attention and detail, then you can download the State package HERE. This also includes New Jersey, so you’ll get two complete areas remastered with authentic scenery for your own use whenever you please.

Although the city itself needs no introduction, New York is the fourth largest city in the whole of the US and carries the seventh densest population. By fitting so much into the one place, you’ll easily be able to appreciate the massive growth that this city has witnessed ever since it was first founded in the 17th Century. Having been the home to so many different nationalities and cultures over the years, New York is the very definition of the modern “melting pot”. Its massive change over the years has been built on the back of an incredible population of around 8.5m, as well as a being the primary gateway for immigrants into the USA.

Add in the fact that the city is absolutely loaded with big business and independent businesses as well as massive corporations, and you have one of the most vibrant cities on this planet. It’s incredible growth and development over the years has made it a financial and cultural capital of the entire planet, and now it’s been totally remastered to fit with the look and feel it should always have had. Bring landmarks to life and give the entire TAC a complete makeover! 

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